Tag: Azure

IT Managed Services Australia

Maximising IT Efficiency: How Managed Services Propel Australian Businesses

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses in Australia are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operational efficiency. This is where IT managed services play a pivotal role. In this article, we’ll explore how partnering with a reliable IT managed services provider can revolutionize your business operations, ultimately leading to increased productivity and growth.

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ICT Infrastructure & Cloud

Meet the Speakers: Aisar Sabateen & Warren Drake

Meet Aisar Sabateen, one of our talented senior Oracle Technical consultants and the host for our Roundtable about “Case Studies of Transformation: Real-World Examples of Modernisation Success Stories” for Public Sector Network Australia ICT Infrastructure & Cloud Roadshow event in Western Australia next month.

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From Tape Robots to backups in Azure Cloud

Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) have been working with Blue Crystal Solutions in a variety of ways for over 15 years, with initial engagement surrounding the management of the on-premises databases. Previously, CESA’s data moved from disk to tape. This tape was stored in large tape libraries which required the development and maintenance of database robots. When a specific tape needed to be checked, replaced, or moved, the tape robot would find and retrieve the specific tape from the library.

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azure blob storage Azure Blobfuse Oracle Database Oracle backup

3 options for Oracle backup in Azure Blobfuse

Database backups are essential in helping protect your data from corruption or deletion and should be a critical part of any business continuity or disaster recovery strategy. Backups enable your database to restore to a point in time within the configured retention period, being the perfect insurance policy.

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