Application Support

Expertise that keeps your unique business applications ahead of the curve.

From the architecture of new applications, through to design, development and consulting, we cover the application lifecycle, fortified by our 24×7 support services.

We can help you build a bespoke application from the ground up or help you salvage an underperforming one. Our personal approach means we can jump in and develop solutions that give you options not available “off-the-shelf” while still adhering to your business needs. 

Using proven development methodologies, tools, and technologies, our local Australian experts can help you reduce risk and improve your time to market. 

Once your application is in our care, you can focus on innovation, not maintenance, with a fully managed environment protected by our BlueDiamond 24×7 IT monitoring tool.

From the energy sector? We can support your AEMO related Applications including Infoserver, pdrLoaders and more. 

Application Services

Could your Application be vulnerable to security threats?

Don't wait until it's too late.

Application Support Service

We can support your business applications across various platforms, technologies and deployments.

In order to carry out day-to-day business functions smoothly, you need your applications to be consistently available and performing at an optimal level. Maintenance and support requires domain experts who can ensure that all your applications are in good health and help you address challenges that arise over time.

Blue Crystal Solutions’ Application Support service provides a single point of contact for customers requiring technical support, request for service or general assistance for their business applications. This includes business critical and non-critical applications across various platforms, technologies and deployments such as cloud, hybrid and on-premises.

Application Support Packages

Our AEMO related Application Services

Since 2004, Blue Crystal Solutions have been providing “worry free” managed services for business critical Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) environments to gas and electricity generators and retailers who are subject to the AEMO regulations. Now we have 100+ Energy Market Applications under our support. We can support your AEMO related Applications including Infoserver, pdrLoaders and more. 

BlueDiamond 24x7 monitoring

Say goodbye to service outages and hello to your insurance policy for data availability.

Our bluediamondᶟ tool is an all in one monitoring service for your databases, applications, cloud and infrastructure, providing you with peace of mind that your mission critical environments are being carefully managed.

Ready to understand what more we can do for your Application? Book a discovery call.

Access more

Understand what our cloud and cloud managed services can bring to your organisation and more. 

Choosing between AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud can be daunting. This comprehensive comparison highlights their key differences in services, pricing, and global reach, helping you make an informed decision for your business.

Barry Mahony is retired! After 14 years, Barry has hung up his keyboard and stepped into a well-deserved retirement. When asked what was one piece of advice he'd give to his colleagues about work and life, he thought deeply for a moment and said, "With anything you endeavour to do, if it's for the right reasons, it will work out".

Learn how strategic cloud solutions can revolutionise your database management through cost-efficient resource utilisation, streamlined disaster recovery strategies, and sustainable practices that significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

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