Data Insight Services

Never make costly, uninformed IT system decisions again

There’s no doubt as to the increasingly vital role data plays in a modern organisation. With the right data, businesses can make sharper and more proactive decisions, more accurately predict outcomes, and more effectively meet employee and customer needs.

Yet, while most businesses have an incredible amount of data, few leverage it to its total capacity. Many also don’t know where to start when choosing the right technology. The complexity and pressure to make that right first move is overwhelming.

This is where our Primesize Data Insight Service comes in. With our expertise coupled with your data insights, we can help you plot a path to insights and innovation with the right technology ecosystem.

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How our Data Insight Service works

Understanding where you're at with Primesize

By gathering statistical data across your IT environments, it provides a complete picture of your system’s performance, whilst making recommendations on best practices for your next IT move.

This accurate and data-driven insight is a must when seeking a successful transformation to a future state: on-premise, cloud or hybrid.

It’s your best tool for key data insights and knowledge that will ensure you never make uninformed IT decisions again.

Turning information into critical data insight

Our data-driven tool identifies how your system resources are being used through clear and meaningful graphs, identifying opportunities to improve efficiency. It can assist in preventing costly decisions due to lack of insight. Your licensing footprint is also reviewed and where possible optimised.

Primesize empowers you with the knowledge to succeed with your data transformation. Primesize can save you up to 30% on your annual infrastructure and maintenance cost. Why wait? Save today.

PrimeSize screenshot report

Example of visual dashboard.

Continous Performance Tuning

Our Primesize Data Insight reports highlights database systems that can be optimised. All too often addressing database performance issues are given no priority and little action is taken to rectify the problem, business processes slow down and your end users complain. If the performance of customer facing systems is suffering, companies can lose business, as customers who get fed up waiting for applications to respond will go elsewhere.

Regular database maintenance is critical in providing stable and high performing operational environment. Taking a proactive approach to database management and performance can reduce the time needed to resolve issues and even proactively prevent them. Talk to us about handing over the risk and worry that comes with managing your own databases and the benefits of outsourcing it to a trusted supplier, giving you peace of mind that your critical business systems are carefully being managed.

Building your roadmap to cloud.

Explore how our data insight services can help you answer the big cloud questions, such as: 

  • “What might it look like?”
  • “What would the cost be?”
  • “Will more licenses be required?”
  • “Will my existing Oracle licenses be enough when they are worth less in AWS or Azure?”

Your first move before your next move should always be to fully understand your current IT footprint. Primesize can help you understand your IT landscape to ensure you make the right decisions, especially when it comes to making the move to the cloud or optimising your current cloud footprint.  

Our Primesize Data Insight Services can create Target Architecture Reports that determines resource requirements, provides advice for the optimum target architecture, and considers license constraints, consolidation opportunities and costs, e.g., On-Premise vs Hyperscale Cloud. This report determines the feasibility of alternative architectures and provides an environment roadmap to the cloud. 

Once you’re in the cloud, we can help you focus on innovation, not maintenance, with a fully managed cloud environment. 

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Understand how Primesize can be leveraged to make sure you’re making the next right move for your organisation below.

With their strategic local partners, Telstra Purple and AWS, Blue Crystal Solutions were able to migrate the Department for Education's bespoke on-premise payroll system to a secure AWS Cloud environment without additional Oracle licenses and without impacting or degrading services.

As a PowerHealth partner, we were engaged to help move our Health Client’s PowerBilling & Revenue Collection (PBRC) environment from on-prem to Azure Cloud and conduct an uplift from Oracle 12 to Oracle 19. The organisation is now enjoying all the advantages that comes with cloud.

Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) streamlined its database IT infrastructure using Primesize, enhancing disaster recovery, reducing costs, and improving efficiency. This case study details how Primesize transformed CESA's IT landscape.

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